Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 6: Spoiling yourself on Saturdays!

In America, Saturday is the "day off" or so it seems. Even when you just go to school, it's the weekend and a break away from all of the "real world". So I've decided that Saturdays will be the one time I let myself have things that I normally don't. Whether that's a small ice cream I can't eat during the week, or a soda with one of my meals, I am choosing to let myself have something different from whatever it is that I'm going to be eating as a "diet" during the week. I fully endorse the idea of treating yourself once every week, because depleting these things from your diet entirely actually screws with your metabolism and because your metabolism is EXPECTING all your health food 24/7, so throwing it something different keeps it on it's toes. At least, that's what I've been told.

I feel like another thing I'd like to bring to attention is that I ATE what I WANTED but just not a HUGE AMOUNT. I wasn't gluttonous about it, but I still ate what I wanted, and guess what? I was still under the daily limit for calories! I still haven't gotten my sleeping schedule straight thanks to insomnia and everyone else's sleeping patterns in our household. But oh well, I assume it'll flip itself around during the week or something, but I am trying not to let it get me down that I haven't been able to exercise all week. Besides, this first week was really about monitoring what I eat, seeing when I eat, monitoring calories, learning to calorie count, seeing if I can stay beneath the daily limit for calories and if it leaves you hungry.

As a random side note, I'd like to say I'm INCREDIBLY cranky as of right now because I have to wear a binder a size smaller to compress my chest and it is SO UNCOMFORTABLE that I want to KILL everything for having a chest at the moment. So...don't mind me...being all cranky and such.

Onto the Food Journal for today:

Day 6
26.03.11. Saturday

Morning weigh-in: 218.6 lbs.

2:48 AM Snack during Harry Potter movies :)
♥ 2 1/2 pickles (0 calories)
♥ a row of peeps (140 calories)
♥ 24 fl. oz. glass of water (o calories!)

Calorie subtotal: 140

5:00 PM Snack/pick me up (just woke up)
♥ 1 Kashi TLC "Trail Mix" chewy granola bar (140 calories)

Calorie subtotal: 280

6:30 PM or so Dinner @ Chipotle
♥ a barbacoa fajita burrito bowl w/ sour cream & cheese (about 540 calories)
♥ 2 12 fl. oz. cups of water (0 calories!)

My dinner at Chipotle! It's so incredibly delicious and not over-processed, which makes for a happier tummy, if you ask me!

Calorie subtotal: 820

9:00 PM Ice cream @ Cold Stone's Creamery
♥ a "like it"-sized peanut butter ice cream w/ one Reese's cup (480 calories)

Calorie total: 1,380
Bedtime weigh-in: 219 lbs.

NOTES: Failed to exercise again thanks to my insomnia and a terrible sleeping schedule. But I stayed beneath my daily limit for calories even after spoiling myself! <3 I can count calories whilst out and about in my head!

So, I'm pretty excited as tomorrow is my official Day 7 and then the end of my first week of kicking soda! <3 And I've done so well so far! I'm hoping to go on my hike at the local park tomorrow if it's not too terribly cold, but if it is, oh well. At least I'm ahead of schedule for kicking sodas from my diet!

Sweet dreams!

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